Language is the lens through which we express ideas. Our command of language determines how clearly we communicate our ideas to others. Part of communication is choosing the language that is most effective, each language has strengths and weaknesses that impact how ideas come across. The movie Arrival is based […]
To say the outcome of this election came as a shock would be an understatement. Almost all of the polls pointed to a victory for Hillary, and the media made it seem as if that victory was a lock. Even Nate Silver’s firm, FiveThirtyEight, gave Hillary Clinton a 71.4% chance […]
Ideas are a dime a dozen, especially in the software world. When building products the original idea is just a jumping off point or one solution to a problem. As a product comes together new ideas and new approaches flood the minds of everyone involved. The rapid pace of new […]
Machine learning is popping up everywhere these days, but it’s always felt a little impractical. I’m glad that there’s finally an application of machine learning that we can all get excited about. MarI/O is a small LUA project based on the ideas in Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies. Trained […]
I’ll have to admit that I came into Westworld with very low expectations. The first trailer I saw made the show seem like a campy western with elements of science fiction rolled in. It looked like it would take place in a world where some event caused modern technology to […]
CRISPR is everywhere these days, from DIY CRISPR Kits to the Marvel Universe one can’t turn around without hearing something about it. CRISPR, short for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, are segments of prokaryotic DNA. First discovered in the 80’s, they play a role in prokaryotic immunity. Researchers have been able to […]
Running The Worst Election Ever has been a fun experience so far, it gave us a chance to build the type of project that we don’t normally create and experiment with new styles of marketing. I’m especially excited to roll out our next round of updates, we’ll be able to poll for more […]
Over the weekend I started reading the Graph Databases O’Reilly book, it was written by some of the folks behind the Neo4j database. It could be that my excitement is premature since I’m just starting to wrap my head around the world of graph databases, but my initial introduction has me […]