
May 29, 2017

How to Tap into the Millennial Mindset with Social Media

Even though the advent of social media began to explode with the rise of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, attempting to capture the attention of active users has come across every CEO and marketer’s desk. How can we tap into the mind of the millennial and make things go viral, some might ask. Well here are a few tricks of the trade, that are by no means ubiquitous, but are food for thought.

Quality over Quantity

When implementing a social media plan, stop yourself if you start frantically signing up your business for every social networking platform under the sun. Take a step back to square one and determine where your ideal user will likely find your business and more importably engage with you. The mistake made by social content rookies is not carefully and holistically evaluating their most beneficial platforms for both you and your customer. Less is more in this day and age, and your life as a content marketer will be much less cluttered if you can narrow your platforms down to 3 solid outlets. This will ensure that you can properly communicate with your audience, while putting out quality content that will keep them coming back for more.

Less speaking, and more listening

With so many listening platforms out there, like Hootsuite, SproutSocial and Google Analytics, the landscape is changing how brands understand the humans that are behind the @handle. Data is collected at every touchpoint, and its now the brands job to sift through and identify how to successfully communicate with their following. Using analytic tools you can start to shape your demographics, and inform your tone and advertising goals

Make sure your content has a pulse

The lifespan of a social post is ephemeral and must be relevant to the here and now. Average pulse of a tweet is 18 minutes, and 2 hours for an Instagram post, highlighting the importance of trending credibility. With so much content out there, people’s attention span doesn’t lend itself to information that seems stale. Consider functions like Facebook Live and Periscope where your audience can catch your content on the go and in real-time.

The important takeaway is to never get too comfortable, and always staying current when sharing your content. Make sure to have your finger on the pulse of your smartphone, and are creating active users, not passive viewers.